O’Connell School and the 1916 Rising
Remembering, Reflecting and Re imagining

It seemed at first like just another quiet Easter Monday. The schools were closed for the holidays and a young Christian Brother, William Allen, was enjoying a game of handball with some confreres at an alley in Marino, Dublin. Then an unexpected thing happened. No less a personage than the order’s Superior General, Brother Willis, came on the scene, looking worried. He interrupted the game to tell the players that the ‘Sinn Féiners’ had risen up in arms against the government. He told them to return immediately to their various monasteries and to avoid the city centre. It was 24 April 1916. The Easter Rising had just begun.
As Brother Allen hurried back to his base at O’Connell Schools, North Richmond Street, he encountered barricades at two bridges, manned by the Irish Volunteers. He was in his black clerical clothes and the insurgents saluted him and waved him through. It would be a tense, eventful week in O’Connell’s, as the fighting raged in nearby city centre. With deliveries to the shops disrupted, the Brothers had difficulty finding food. When they went out in search of supplies, they wore their black silk hats so as not to be mistaken for combatants. As one Brother approached a butcher’s shop on Berkeley Road, a bullet hit the door. After all that risk, there was no meat available. Two of the Brothers managed to get a half sack of flour at a bakery on Jones’s Road. Brother Allen recalled how a contingent of exhausted British soldiers, who had moved up from The Curragh, rested on the lawn at O’Connell’s, before moving off again after hearing shots from the North Strand direction.
The events of that momentous week in Irish history would leave a lasting impression on this young Christian Brother from West Cork. Brother Allen would eventually discover that among the rebels was a sizeable number of former O’Connell Schools (OCS) students, some of whom he knew personally. Current pupils of the school had also taken part, while on their Easter holidays. After the rebels surrendered at the end of a week’s insurrection, the British tended to release the younger insurgents. Thus, boy soldiers such as Richard Gogan and Sean Lemass, both aged 16, would return quietly to their classes at O’Connell’s. Both of them would later become Fianna Fáil members of the Dáil, with Lemass rising to the position of Taoiseach.
In old age, on 29 July 1968, Brother Allen drew up a list of OCS participants in the Rising. Probably relying largely on memory, he came up with 125 names, but noted that this was not necessarily a complete list. As part of the school’s commemoration of the 1916 events, I have tried to trace the background of all of those who took part in the Rising. My research in digital archives that were, of course, unavailable to Brother Allen indicated about ten additional names – there may well be others. There are some remarkable names on Brother Allen’s list. Three of the executed leaders of the Rising were past pupils, all shot by firing squad on the same day, 8 May 1916. They were Con Colbert, Sean Heuston and Éamonn Ceannt. The latter was one of the seven men who signed the Proclamation declaring an Irish Republic, and he had been in the same OCS class as Heuston. Among the many rebels who survived the Rising was another notable OCS man, Sean T. O’Kelly, who became President of Ireland. (Courtesy of S. Boyne).
A composition of an original song / music score / piece to commemorate 1916
Open to all pupils, solo or groups
Closing Date: Friday
March 11th
A Proclamation for a New Generation
Open to each class as a group only.
600 words, reflecting the values, ideals and hopes of the 2016 Generation.
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
History Tree / Ancestry Project.
Were your family involved in the Easter Rising?
Open to all pupils, solo or groups
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
Make History – Make a short movie about 1916
Open to all pupils, solo or groups
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
1916 Poetry Competition
Class based competition
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
1916 Art Competition
Class based competition
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
1916 Short Story / Creative Writing / Factual Essay Competition
Class based competition
Closing Date: Friday
March 4th
Intercom Quiz about 1916
Class based competition
Tuesday March 15th 2016.
GPO Witness History School Tour
Class Groups
Opens March 2016. Cost €5.
Tel: 8169538 to book
National Flag & the OCS Flag. Commemoration / Ceremony Day in the school.
Thomas J. Meagher Foundation
Whole School
Tuesday March 15th 2016
Proclamation Day in the school to include a public reading of the names of the OCS 125 Volunteers following a march of 16 pupils (in period costume) from the GPO to our school
Whole School
Tuesday March 15th 2016
Launch of Booklet by Sean Boyne: OCS Men and the Rising
Whole School Community
Tuesday March 15th 2016
Launch of an OCS Pen commemorating the OCS 125 Volunteers
Whole School Community
Tuesday March 15th 2016
Glasnevin Cemetery Witness History School Tour
Class groups
March, April, May 2016
1916 Commemorative Mass for pupils, past pupils, Christian Brothers, staff, former staff , parents and 1916 relatives in North William Street Church
OCS Community
Tuesday March 15th 2016 (provisional)
JCSP Book Launch by JCSP Group
JCSP Book Group
March 2016
Unveiling of a Plaque commemorating the 125 OCS Volunteers
OCS Community
April 2016
Construction/ Development of a Memorial/Sensory Garden for all deceased staff
All staff, including former staff
September 2016
Unveiling / Dedication of the different parts of the school & classes in honour of famous past pupils including 1916 participants
Staff, Board & Students
Plough & the Stars Screening by LCA Class
LCA Pupils
Tuesday March 15th 2016
A School Annual 1916 & 2016
OCS Community
September 2016
School Website section for 1916
All welcome
1916 Memorial Week of Events
All welcome
Ending on Wednesday March 16th 2016
Traditional music/ Ballad Session in the school hall
All Welcome
Tuesday March 15th 2016
Priming the Canon: Me Mollser
1st – 3rd Years
March, April 2016
1916 Stained Glass Workshop in St Patrick’s Cathedral
1st – 3rd Years
March, April 2016
Presentation of OCS Commemorative medals to relatives of the 125 OCS Volunteers
Family Relatives
March, April 2016
Launch of Information Booklet for pupils about the 1916 Rising
For use in class to give the 2016 pupils some information about the 1916 Rising
Monday February 1st 2016
Five Lamps Arts Festival
The Rising Play in Liberty Hall on March 10th
Selected Pupils
10th March 2016
The Abbey Theatre The Plough & the Stars Play
Selected Pupils
March 30th 2016 matinee.
1916 Commemoration in St Joseph’s CBS Fairview
Five inner city schools
January 26th 2016
1916 A Country is Born
Playful Cartoon Strip on display in O’Connell School
Jan-June 2016