In accordance with the pioneering spirit of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, we in O’Connell Secondary School seek to respond effectively to the intellectual, spiritual, academic, moral and social needs of all the pupils who come under our care.
We have a vision for our students that will see them become leaders of the next generation, to better our society and our country.
Edmund Rice was that rare combination - a creative visionary who was also immensely practical. From the humble beginnings of the first such school in Waterford in 1802, Edmund Rice Schools have played an important role in the history of Irish education for over two centuries. Today there are over a hundred of these schools in Ireland, and the Edmund Rice mission has extended to all five continents.
At the start of the new Millennium, the Christian Brothers founded by Blessed Edmund Rice decided to hand on responsibility for the schools to a group of lay people. The Edmund Rice Schools Trust (ERST) was established to hold the schools in trust so that they may continue to provide Catholic education into the future for the people of Ireland.
This pioneering decision marked the opening of a new and significant chapter in the history of the schools. The process whereby lay people would take on responsibility for the schools was carefully planned during a long period of discernment. The lively and active participation of the students, staff, parents, trustees and boards of management of the schools over a four year period from 1999 to 2003 in an Identity Project was a vital part of this preparatory phase. Through reflection and sharing, the school partners sought to reach consensus on what comprises the heart and soul of an Edmund Rice School.

(Photo - Br. Pat Madigan - Community Leader Edmund Rice House, Finance Minister O'Donoghue TD, Lynn Kidney -Deputy Principal)
An Edmund Rice School:
Fosters visionary leadership
Outstanding leaders have a vision for their school – a clear picture of a preferred future – that motivates staff, parents and students to develop, to share and to own the vision so that it permeates all facets of school life. The purpose is to inspire people to think about what the school community needs in order to thrive and grow. This vision is translated into practical actions to transform structures and systems for everyone’s benefit.
Encourages ownership of the vision
In their commitment to leadership, all members of the school community – the Board of Management, parents, staff and students –take ownership of the vision so that it becomes a reality in their school.
Shares leadership roles
The Board of Management governs the school on behalf of the Trustees. The day-to-day management, which calls for special leadership skills, is delegated to the Principal, who consults where appropriate and assigns tasks to his/her team. Leadership may be assigned or delegated
to, shared with or inspired in others. Some aspect of leadership pertains to every member of the school community.
Encourages the active participation of parent/guardians
As a parent himself, Edmund Rice recognised that parents/guardians (as family and community leaders) have a crucial role to play in the life of the school and in the education and welfare of their children. The active engagement of parents/ guardians is central to the student’s educational development.
Welcomes innovative leadership of teachers
Inspirational leadership by teachers in the classroom, in extra-curricular activities, and in a great variety of other activities helps the school to achieve the excellence to which it is committed.
Elicits leadership and responsibility in students
The student takes responsibility for his/her own learning, development and behaviour and displays leadership in many very active ways in the school, in the local community and through the Students’ Council.
Promotes spiritual and moral values
School leaders, staff and members of the school community promote and exemplify spiritual and moral values and ensure that the school operates according to the religious and educational philosophy outlined in the Charter.