Dear Parent/Guardian, 7th August 2022
We hope this letter finds you happy, healthy, and enjoying the summer holidays. We are pleased to welcome your son back to O Connell School for the 2022/2023 academic year.
The following is some information you will need in order to ensure a smooth return to school in August.
All students must pay the book rental/enrolment fee of €170 euro. If you chose to not pay the above book rental fee you will need to buy your son’s school book (please request a book list from the office).
This fee can be paid by bank transfer through the following account. Please ensure you give the student's name as the payee reference
IBAN: IE67BOFI 90 00 33 100 45 827
6 Lr O’Connell St, Dublin 1
Some parents have been in touch asking for information regarding back to-school allowance or St. Vincent de Paul:
- Back to School Allowance Scheme is now open for application.
The school’s office is also open to accepting cash/cheques on the following dates
- Friday 29th July 12-2 pm, Tuesday 2nd August 9 am-2 pm, Friday 5th August 9 am-2 pm

O’Connell School has a strict school uniform policy. All students are required to wear the following
- FULLY black shoes or runners. No other shoes will be accepted. As all COVID restrictions have been lifted we will be enforcing school rules here. Students who present without uniforms will be returned home.
- White Shirt
- Grey Slacks
- School Jumper 1st -3rd Year BLUE Jumper
5th, 6th & LCA MAROON Jumper
Available from the school’s website ( or from GRANTS (Grants, 7-8 Manor Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7)
- School Tie – Also available from Grants.
Note: School uniforms must be worn every day. For P.E, students bring tracksuits & runners and change for P.E.
- General Information for parents
- School Day
- School starts at 8:35 a.m. and ends at 3:25 p.m. daily, except for an early finish on Wed @12:55p.m.
- Students who are absent, late, or leave early for appointments need to provide a note from parents or relevant health care providers.
Note: Students who are absent for 20 school days without valid medical explanation are automatically reported (by law) to TUSLA.
Breakfast is available for each student (free of charge). The breakfast club starts at 8:10 a.m. each morning.
We are pleased to announce that from September all students will be provided a hot lunch free of charge daily.