Our school library is filled with inspiring reads, from Diary of a Wimpy Kid to anything by Stephen King. We have entire shelves filled with the likes of Eoin Colfer, Darren Shan and JK Rowling. Because our curriculum and young adult books have more to offer than ever before, there's no shortage of great literature available that speaks directly to the life and times any student.

You may already know the seminal works by literary legends like Harper Lee and J.D. Salinger, the fantastical takes spun by J.K Rowling and the heartstring-tugging high school romances that made John Green a household name. One or all of these should spark interest in any student, they will be frantically downloading their next read. But if they don't bat an eyelash at those, we have more offbeat options that could strike their fancy. No matter where your teen falls on the book-loving spectrum, we've got something on this list that won't get an eye-roll.
We also use our library to hold events like Business Mentoring programs, Scholarship interviews and College Presentations.